RIP the brand Grid, 2022–2023.A little over a year after its launch, the news site Grid is being absorbed into The Messenger, a forthcoming news site that plans to employ 550 journalists within a year while changing “the face of the media landscape.”What is Grid?The Washington, D.C.–based Grid launched in January 2022 with a mission to provide a “fuller picture” around big news stories. “Grid is meant for people like you and me who follow the news but want something more,” cofounder and executive editor Laura McGann, the former politics editor of and Politico, wrote at launch. The site touted its “creative formats,” like the “360,” which would examine news stories via “multiple lenses, including science, economics, misinformation, the law, politics, technology, identity and global.”

Origen: A forthcoming news site absorbs Grid (and its Middle Eastern funding, too) | Nieman Journalism Lab


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