Sunday 22 de September de 2024

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage...

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,...


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➡️ Apúntate al curso “Reset: nuevas tendencias y habilidades periodísticas”

How we measure audience engagement at DER SPIEGEL | The Audiencers

By focusing on delivering a meaningful and relevant experience to our readers, DER SPIEGEL has built a loyal and engaged community of subscribers who actively seek out our brand and value the content we provide. Origen: How we measure audience engagement at DER SPIEGEL | The Audiencers

Hey Journalists, Nobody Is Coming to Save Us – Nieman Reports

In my quarter-century as a journalist, I’ve seen many media business models come and go. Each new idea brought with it the hope that this new business structure — or funder or technological development — would be the thing to save journalism. Would it be digital media, nonprofit newsrooms, community engagement, participatory journalism, billionaire owners, hedge funds, product thinking, social-first models, reinvestment in local journalism, or artificial intelligence? Origen: Hey...

Why a Murderers’ Row of Media Barons Want to Buy The Telegraph: “Imagine a Sort of Broadsheet Version of the New York Post” |...

In August 1939, a young woman named Clare Hollingworth got her first journalism assignment. “You must go to Warsaw tonight,” her editor said. Days later, after Hollingworth spotted “hundreds of tanks, armored cars and field guns” near the Polish border with Czechoslovakia, the 27-year-old cub reporter kicked off her career with a once-in-a-lifetime dispatch heralding the outbreak of World War II: “1,000 TANKS MASSED ON POLISH FRONTIER. TEN DIVISIONS...

Navigating nonprofit journalism – The Fix

As publishers are struggling to monetise news, there’s been growing interest in the nonprofit model. The idea is that high-quality journalism is a public good that either cannot be monetised commercially at all or would suffer under commercial incentives. Origen: Navigating nonprofit journalism - The Fix


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