Sunday 22 de September de 2024

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How we measure audience engagement at DER SPIEGEL | The Audiencers

By focusing on delivering a meaningful and relevant experience to our readers, DER SPIEGEL has built a loyal and engaged community of subscribers who actively seek out our brand and value the content we provide. Origen: How we measure audience engagement at DER SPIEGEL | The Audiencers

Hey Journalists, Nobody Is Coming to Save Us – Nieman Reports

In my quarter-century as a journalist, I’ve seen many media business models come and go. Each new idea brought with it the hope that this new business structure — or funder or technological development — would be the thing to save journalism. Would it be digital media, nonprofit newsrooms, community engagement, participatory journalism, billionaire owners, hedge funds,...

Why a Murderers’ Row of Media Barons Want to Buy The Telegraph: “Imagine a Sort of Broadsheet Version of the New York Post” |...

In August 1939, a young woman named Clare Hollingworth got her first journalism assignment. “You must go to Warsaw tonight,” her editor said. Days later, after Hollingworth spotted “hundreds of tanks, armored cars and field guns” near the Polish border with Czechoslovakia, the 27-year-old cub reporter kicked off her career with a once-in-a-lifetime dispatch heralding the outbreak...

Navigating nonprofit journalism – The Fix

As publishers are struggling to monetise news, there’s been growing interest in the nonprofit model. The idea is that high-quality journalism is a public good that either cannot be monetised commercially at all or would suffer under commercial incentives. Origen: Navigating nonprofit journalism - The Fix

How a journalism professor helps students understand harassment — and how to protect themselves – Poynter

One of the most vexing, and even dangerous, issues facing journalists these days is harassment, both online and in real life. Among the best-known examples is New Hampshire Public Radio, whose reporter Lauren Chooljian, along with her editor, Dan Barrick, and her parents were the targets of vandalism to their homes, apparently in retaliation for Chooljian’s reporting....

DMGT Telegraph bid: Publisher interested in US potential – Press Gazette

The Daily Mail‘s publisher has revealed the “enormous potential” of The Telegraph in the US, alongside its successful subscription model and the potential cost efficiencies, are behind its bid to buy the rival newspaper.Mail publisher DMGT, which also owns Metro and the i, has previously confirmed it was considering a bid to buy The Telegraph. The auction...

Driving systemic change one behavior at a time – American Press Institute

For two days about 60 news leaders and mental health experts gathered for API’s Local News Summit on Mental Health and Sustainability earlier this month in Atlanta. We shared solutions and served as co-conspirators for opportunities to support the mental health and well-being of an entire industry of first — and last — responders. Many mentioned forwarding...

Opportunities to advance DEI in nonprofit news: What the INN Index tells us about progress made and room for growth | by Institute for...

INN seeks to build a nonprofit news network that ensures all people in every community have access to trusted news. A cornerstone of this work is to support nonprofit journalism that is led and staffed by individuals that reflect the communities they serve and is invested in serving the information needs of communities of color and other...

The death toll for journalists in the Gaza conflict has reached 29 | Nieman Journalism Lab

The war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas is shaping up to be one of the deadliest single events for journalists in decades.In the 23 days since Hamas’ initial attacks in Israel, at least 29 journalists have died, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists: 24 Palestinian, 4 Israeli, and 1 Lebanese. (An additional 9 are currently...

Data Journalism Top 10: Visualizing War in Israel and Gaza; Australia’s Indigenous Voice Vote, Aging Taiwan, Romance Novel Covers – Global Investigative Journalism Network

This edition of our Data Journalism Top 10 — covering stories published between October 9 and October 22 — includes The New York Times’ graphic analysis of the waiting periods before Israeli civilians received any IDF response following Hamas attacks on October 7. Also featured this week: analyzing the first-round results of Argentina’s presidential election, a closer...