Alessandra Galloni (1974) is the first woman to lead Reuters. Born in Rome, she graduated from Harvard and the London School of Economics, and started to work for Reuters in Rome in 1996 after a brief stint at AP. She left the news agency for the Wall Street Journal before returning in 2013, first as editor of the Southern Europe bureau, then as global managing editor. In April 2021 she succeeded Stephen Adler as editor-in-chief.A respected business journalist, Galloni has worked as a reporter and editor in London, Paris and Rome. She has wanted to be a journalist since she can remember. “I worked for my middle-school newspaper, my high-school newspaper and my college newspaper. I’ve really been doing this for more than 35 years. I’ve never wanted to do anything else,” she says.

Origen: “In a world of cultural warriors, playing it down the middle is a journalistic imperative but also a huge commercial opportunity” | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism


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