After years of outsourcing projects, Financial Times built its own customer segmentation model. The FT Customer Segmentation tool uses FT’s own data to understand which behaviours predict value so we can better acquire and engage those specific types of customers.This segmentation replaces and improves upon an existing audience segmentation created by a third-party several years ago. That version used market research to group users and was, at the time, a helpful tool for us to think of audiences by their motivations for using FT.However, we could not tie our FT subscribers to these third-party-created segments, so we had no idea how valuable these audiences were to the FT in the long run. Creating our own segments, using our own internal data, has allowed us to focus on the customers most valuable to the FT rather than optimising for pure volume.

Origen: INMA: Financial Times builds data-led customer segmentation model


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