If you’ve spent any time on social media in the past few weeks, you’ve probably heard about BlueSky, the new social platform that Jack Dorsey launched while he was still the chief executive of Twitter (he also sits on BlueSky’s board of directors). The service recently opened up to a larger number of invitation-only beta testers, and some prominent Twitter users have set up accounts there, including Senator Ron Wyden, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, billionaire Mark Cuban, and popular accounts such as Dril. It’s the latest contender in what seems like a race to replace Twitter, which has been lurching from crisis to crisis under new owner Elon Musk. But do we really need a replacement for Twitter? And if so, will this new platform somehow be able to reproduce just the positive aspects of Twitter, or will it wind up re-creating all the negative aspects as well?

Origen: Is BlueSky the next Twitter, and if so would that be a good thing? – Columbia Journalism Review


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