Money is pouring in for the Ukrainian journalists covering the invasion of their homeland. A fundraising campaign organized by journalism groups The Fix, Are We Europe, Jnomics, and Media Development Foundation has raised more than $4 million in a little over two weeks.Of the $4 million raised between GoFundMe campaigns and direct donations, roughly $1.5 million has been raised for the Kyiv Independent and $2.5 million for other independent Ukrainian media. Zakhar Protsiuk, managing editor at The Fix, said the organizers haven’t stopped to analyze trends in giving, as the campaign is ongoing, but did note they’ve seen “tremendous support” from Poland, Germany, and the Nordic countries. (The campaign also got a helpful shout-out from Barack Obama.)

Origen: More than $4 million has been raised for independent Ukrainian media. Here’s where it’s going. | Nieman Journalism Lab


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