The underrepresentation of diverse perspectives remains a persistent issue in the media, hindering our ability as journalists to reflect on the complexities of our societies and foster a greater understanding among different audiences with our reporting.Despite the industry’s professed commitment to diversity and inclusion, men still dominate news coverage, overshadowing women who constitute only 25% of the people featured in stories, according to the 2020 Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP). The report also revealed that women are mostly portrayed as homemakers and are typically interviewed as ordinary sources, offering popular or personal opinions, rather than being recognized as authoritative figures, such as specialists or spokespersons.This imbalance mirrors broader inequities and can reinforce bias and stereotypes. A lack of representation might inadvertently suggest that women are less capable or less significant than they truly are, thereby reinforcing societal norms that confine them to certain roles and responsibilities.

Origen: New “Ask Women” newsletter helps reporters diversify sources | International Journalists’ Network


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