The rise of AI technologies is transforming the way journalists work, and while text-generating models like ChatGPT make most of the headlines, there is much more to this rapidly-evolving technology. From algorithms that help investigative journalists uncover hidden stories in data to machine learning systems that transcribe interviews and translate content and tools to optimize paywalls and interactions with readers, the AI landscape for journalists is diverse and expanding.“There are AI applications for every stage of the journalistic process, from the newsgathering to the production and the distribution – as well as business and engagement use cases,” said Mattia Peretti, manager of the JournalismAI project run by the journalism think tank, Polis of the London School of Economics and Political Science. They are becoming more accessible and affordable, he noted: “The database of AI tools for small and local newsrooms recently published by Partnership on AI includes lots of great examples.”

Origen: Non-writing AI tools every journalist should know about | International Journalists’ Network


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