Gannett, America’s largest newspaper chain, should wake up each morning thankful for the existence of No. 2 Alden Global Capital.RELATED ARTICLEThe vulture is hungry again: Alden Global Capital wants to buy a few hundred more newspapersNovember 22, 2021After all, who could ask for a better point of comparison? Alden is the perfect industry villain, a faceless private equity fund dedicated to nothing but cost-cutting and cashflow-draining. Its corporate website contains a total of 21 words, nine of which are “Alden,” “Global,” or “Capital.” It’s run by a secretive billionaire who last gave an interview in the 1980s — the sort of person who can own 15 mansions in Palm Beach and still think: I could really use a 16th.

Origen: The scale of local news destruction in Gannett’s markets is astonishing | Nieman Journalism Lab


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