“You Americans, you’re so obsessed with those mountains of facts,” was the response I recall during the early days of our efforts to establish an international investigative network, back in the days before the internet. The voice on the other end was Nils Gunnar Niilson, editor of Sydsvenska Dagbladet, a leading newspaper in southern Sweden. Niilson, like many of the other European editors we worked with, did not have an aversion to “facts.” In fact, he sought them out from us and his own team of reporters. It was more about their placement — where they appear in the architecture of an investigative story. From his point of view, we Americans delivered them too early, too quickly, just blasted away with the juicy findings and then other details faded down the descending steps of the inverted pyramid.

Origen: The Story of InterNation: The World’s First (Maybe) Investigative Journalism Network – Global Investigative Journalism Network


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