What was supposed to be a routine all-company meeting at The New York Times turned into a contentious grilling Thursday, as employees pressed management for answers about the paper’s recent decision to disband the sports section. The move left the newsroom disheartened and worried, with many angry about the company’s plan to subcontract certain sports coverage through The Athletic, the subscription-based sports website the Times acquired last year. “There is sincere concern in the newsroom that if this is left to stand, they could do this to any section, and nothing they said at the meeting made us feel otherwise,” one Times staffer tells me.During the meeting, Terri Ann Glynn, the senior newsroom operations manager for the sports desk, made an emotional address about the way staffers in the department learned their section had been cut. Sports staff were invited to a morning meeting on Monday, and the news alert that the sports desk was shuttering came out before executive editor Joe Kahn had said the words aloud to the room, according to a source with knowledge of the meeting. Glynn noted that staffers were receiving texts from family and friends about the news, while they themselves were still getting briefed on the situation. Kahn acknowledged that the “choreography” was not perfect and called it a difficult situation.

Origen: “There Hasn’t Been Empathy”: NYT Staff Frustration Spills Over After Sports Desk Closure | Vanity Fair


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