I spent three fascinating days late last month at the Local News Summit convened by the Lenfest Institute and Aspen Digital. It was joyous to again see so many people who share a passion for the news business in one space; even more important, it was a privilege to again get to think together in the way one can most effectively do so– in person.One of the arguments I found most compelling in the discussion was that, as many local news outlets have cut back and retreated over the last 17 years, national news has increasingly filled the resulting information vacuum, exacerbating and perhaps accelerating the polarization that is so warping our politics and our society. (As pointed out in a recent National Bureau of Economic Research paper which my friend and client Jim Friedlich of Lenfest called to my attention, the hedge fund owners who have come to dominate local newspaper ownership disproportionately cut the local component of news in papers they buy.)

Origen: Time for Local Newspapers to Go All-Local?


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