After compiling a list of books for aspiring journalists, I was curious about other media forms that could inspire young people to learn more about the industry.Several News Decoder correspondents included films along with their book recommendations, so I started there.At first I thought journalism and filmmaking might seem dissimilar — fact vs. fiction — but at the core of each discipline is a dedication to great storytelling. Focus, perspective, pacing and context are central to both crafts, and lessons we impart to students in News Decoder’s educational programs.Inspired by our correspondents film recommendations, we’ve created a list of 20 films that depict the good, the bad and the ugly of journalism.From covert cover-ups and foreign combat to international hostilities and serial murder, these films offer a detailed look at the journalism industry and the people who go to great lengths to tell important stories.

Origen: What films should an aspiring journalist watch?


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