The old joke goes, “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” I feel the same way these days about many conversations regarding “sustainable business models for news.” We talk a lot about audience funnels, engagement strategies, distribution, subscription and other monetization strategies – as we should.But it seems to me that, in doing so, we skim over the most salient detail: News isn’t just another “product” like cheese or staplers. It actually matters quite a bit that our product — journalism — turns out to be quite distinctly essential, especially in a democratic society. Trustworthy information matters, and it matters more in a disrupted ecosystem where misinformation is common and easily spread. Trusted messengers, delivering reliable information, enable informed action, and those informed actions and policies create healthier and more prosperous communities.

Origen: Why impact is the secret sauce of journalism’s value – Local Media Association + Local Media Foundation


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