In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets across five continents.Looking at a sample of ten top online news outlets and ten top offline news outlets in each of these 12 markets, we find:Only 21% of the 179 top editors across the 240 brands covered are women, despite the fact that, on average, 40% of journalists in the 12 markets are women. Last year, the top-line figure was 22% across the same markets.Among the 51 new top editors appointed across the brands covered, 23% are women. In some countries (Spain, the UK, and the US), half or more of new top editors appointed in the last year are women, but in many others few or none are.

Origen: Women and leadership in the news media 2022: evidence from 12 markets | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism


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