In the last days of December 2022, the number of subscribers exceeded 300,000. This is a new record for “Wyborcza” and the entire digital press market in Poland, of which the daily paper team is the undisputed leader.- “Wyborcza” is not only the largest player in the Polish digital press market, but is also one of the top publishers in the European Union markets. We are a mature business with a strong position in an area of the Polish economy based on the subscription model. We are already observing certain trends related to seasonality in our results, and to this phenomenon we owe, in part, the success we achieved at the end of the year, measured by the number of active digital subscriptions – comments Wojciech Bartkowiak, publishing director of “Wyborcza” and member of Agora’s Management Board. – Digital subscriptions are currently the most important growth path for press titles – all publishers, even the smaller ones, are following it in Poland. We have understood this trend for a long time, strongly focusing on the Internet, and soon we will also express it in a symbolic way – from 1 January 2023, the Press segment will disappear from the structure of the Agora Group, and will be replaced by the Digital and Printed Press segment.

Origen: “Wyborcza” with over 300,000 digital subscriptions! • Agora S.A. – Polska grupa rozrywkowo-medialna


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